Mendes Wood is delighted to announce FOUR WALLS, a solo exhibition of new works by Catalonian artist Daniel Steegmann Mangrané. The exhibition features four pieces that explore the semiotic structure of the projection, and a series of works that expand his practice with drawing, painting and photography.
Lacking the narrative of a picture, the projections hover between drawings, abstract structural cinema and sculpture.
The projected image here no longer pretends to a fictitious depth on the surface of the wall, but rather the projection itself expands its specific plastic and meaningful properties, joining minimalist propositions of 1970's sculpture.
FOUR WALLS draws on diverse sources ranging from traditions in literature, poetry, architecture, semiotics, popular mass-media entertainment and critical theory.
Inspired by Structuralist filmmakers, Steegmann has created these works to go against the grain of the narrative conventions of cinema and photography, achieving delicate ends with minimal means. The effect is oddly entrancing, deeply poetic, and representative of a sort of corporeal and sensuous reflection on the medium of film itself and the politics of the audience.
Steegmann's work spans various media and oscillates between subtle, poetic but nevertheless raw experimentations.
Although mainly conceptually informed, Steegmann work displays a strong concern with the existence and features of concrete objects: Steegmann activates the abstract language as a thought-generating principle and employs the idea of unstable meaning and dematerialized constructions as a way to address issues concerning "objectness".
The works articulate the sense of space and time, building up a structure as the constellation of elements enter into action.
The subject's relation to the making of meaning as a process of time continues until the object is dissolved into an execution of the relations of the separate elements.