For the MAMM a topographical landscape was built, including some architecture as inmaculate ruins or phantoms of previous artworks and exhibitions. the display designed for Tropicalia Negra in Museo Experimental el Eco was rebuild here, making a reaperance. The same hapened with the sculpture Upsylon, first done for the Mercosul Biennale in 2012, and here rebuild in ghostly white. The Landscape presented a hilly topography going up more than one meter and making the viewer very aware of his own body and movement through the space. The exhibition was punctuated with some small works, almost as a text where all the words are gone and only some points and comas are left. Those works belong to larger series and act as one example of the many possibilities of formalizatioon. Adding to this transient nature most of the artworks suggested a state of transformation and the potentiality of growth: sticks become walldrawings, insects become sticks, small drawings a large sculpture, foliage reveal a spider, a stick insect merges in the sorroundings... evrything is pregnant with the possibility of being something else creating a landscape of possibilities.